今天早上睡到十點多起床, 就開始海德拉巴第一天的旅程。
因為我的表哥白天需要工作, 所以他請他的司機早上帶我去玩。
一路上車開的不快, 到餐廳的路途也不是很近。可是,我並不覺得無聊, 因為一路上有很多東西可以看。

在路上有時會有牛群出現, 有一隻牛還邊走邊在我們車前大便。It's pretty nasty, but hilarious at the same time.

雖然我很喜歡吃路邊攤, 但在這邊只好忍住我的好奇心。很怕吃了以後會拉肚子。




海德拉巴是印度地六大的城市, 但這裡人的身活品質明顯的跟我們的世界有很大的落差。
路邊很多商店都像是未完工的屋子, 台階是用泥土作成的。路上的小孩敲著我們的車門要錢。
貧富的差距更是非常的明顯。 沿途中可以看到很多人住在破到不行的帳篷裡面, 隔街可能就有新建的新穎別墅。

所有的商店燈都是關的, 不進去都不知道他們有沒有開門。 後來聽我表哥說才知道是為了要省電。

吃午餐之前還有一些時間我去了一趟 City Center ( 他們的shopping mall)。

在拍戲的劇組還問我可不可以幫我照相。 原來他說他覺得我的服裝很特別。

去了City Center的超級市場。可能是這邊外來者不多, 在超市還有人要幫我拍照。
Haha, made me feel like a super star even in India.


spice, spice, spice。

我的戰利品。 連chips 都是印度口味的, SPICY。

For lunch, the driver brought me to this really famous biryanies place called paradise.
I had no idea what "biryanies" was, but since he said it was good, we went anyways.
I got chicken biryani, chicken curry with naan, chicken kabab, and green salad to-go,
and went to my cousin's google office for lunch.
The food was pretty good, especially the kabab. Yummy, yummy.
I didn't eat the green salad at all because my cousin told me
it might come from dirty water.
After lunch, I went to this really fancy massage place
,not comparing to taiwan but to everywhere else around here, to get a massage.
They charged1800 rupee, so it's about 1400 NT per hour. It's more expensive
than I expected, but you get to have your own room, which is pretty nice.

to be continued...

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